We’re revolutionising the way we recruit

Swipe Right to Get Hired
The FREE job app that allows you to apply for jobs in London on the go. The app is quick and easy to use and allows you to find a job you love in a company that matches your workplace values. ​

Register: Registration includes a range of specific questions about the kind of job you want and the kind of company you want to work at.
View: Using AI, we only show you jobs that match your requirements. Being mobile, you can do this ANYWHERE. No more being stuck to your laptop!
Swipe: See a job that doesn’t interest you? Swipe Left. Found a job that looks great! Simply swipe right to apply!
Some Of Our Clients

Why SwipSearch?
We offer a simple solution to finding a job at a place that matches your values. You tell us what you want in a job and we’ll only show you jobs that match your requirements.
Register, view and apply in minutes! Our registration process is simple enough to do in no time, but specific enough to make sure we show you tie right jobs for you!
Our team work constantly doing due diligence, to ensure that you are applying for jobs with the right business. We ensure that our app is a safe and secure place to find a job.